Going 7 days without food

This is my experience doing a 7 day water fast. No food for 7 days , just plain water. Why experiment with an extended water fast? I have to give most of the credit to an amazing lecture by Dr. Pradip Jamnadas (link at end). The lecture helped me understand how fasting worked and its benefits on my body. Some portion of the credit also goes to a kitchen remodel project we undertook, which meant either I eat out or do not eat. Incidentally, my spouse and kid were out of town visiting family that week. This would ensure that any capricious mood swings during the fast won't affect them. Finally, I had another sign from the universe. The time of "Paryushan" , one of the biggest Jain festival of spiritual awakening and celebration, was right around the corner. I am not a follower of Jainism myself, but I definitely took it as a big signal of the stars aligning ⭐ I should thank all my dear friends who were very generous and kind to check on me and invite me over lunch a...