The First day with the Karmic-Koala

I was very excited with the release with the long awaited Ubuntu 9.10.... Was constantly F5-ing the ubuntu home page and staring at the coming soon image since the midnight of 29th Oct ... But only it changed during the late afternoon that day... They should have mentioned the exact time of realease on the web-site. My patience was tested... but no probs ... I must thank Robin Sharma and Rhonda Byrne for they have really changed the impatient being.
But even after the release the life was not easy... The college server refused to download huge files. Then I remembered something called port-forwarding that I had read few days back... Refreshed it and the trick was done! My hard-disk management was really bad and I had everything lying all around the disk and needed everything to be organized. So I preffered to go for a fresh install. Coup de grace for the Jackalope. (btw I loved Jaunty very much ... but change is the law of life). I created a USB-boot disk...